Morgan Freeman Converted His 124 Acre Ranch Into A Bee Sanctuary To Help Save Bees


Morgan Freeman is one of those celebrities who is adored by both the young and old. An actor, filmmaker, and director, he’s known for many roles, but now is also being celebrated for his participation in helping to revive the bee population.

Statistically one in three bites of food you put into your mouth today is the result of the hard working yet humble honeybee. Sadly, bees are dying off at a rather alarming rate. People all over the world have done what they can, from planting flowers that bees like to visit, petitioning their governments to stop using pesticides that kill bees, and even keeping bees themselves.


Recognizing that bees play an integral part in the maintenance of our ecosystem, Morgan stated:

“There’s a concerted effort to bring bees back onto the planet … We do not realize that they are the foundation, I think, of the growth of the planet, the vegetation… I have so many flowering things and I have a gardener too. Because she takes care of the bees too, all she does is figure out, ‘OK, what would they like to have?’, so we’ve got acres and acres of clover, we’re planting stuff like lavender, I’ve got like, maybe 140 magnolia trees, big blossoms,” he adds.

Morgan’s Bee Farm from above

“I’ve not ever used [the beekeeping hat] with my bees,” he says. “They haven’t (stung me) yet, because right now I’m not trying to harvest honey or anything, I’m just feeding them… I think they understand, ‘Hey, don’t bother this guy, he’s got sugar water here.”



  1. Because saving bees is cheaper and easier than saving people. He could’ve made a big homeless shelter.

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