Verónica Duque is not your typical educator. She is a woman who goes out of her way to ensure that her students are engaged and passionate about studying. Recently, the 43-year-old decided to teach anatomy in a full-body suit that detailedly drew out the human body.
Verónica has been teaching for 15 years and is currently a third-grade teacher. She is constantly seeking for new ways to make her pupils’ lessons more fascinating and engaging. She decided to give it a shot after seeing an advertisement for an AliExpress swimsuit that mapped out the internal parts of the human body.
Verónica became viral after her husband Michael shared images of the class. The tweet received over 65K likes and 14K comments, elevating her to the status of an icon of inventiveness and dedication in the education community.
But Verónica isn’t finished. She has several more surprises in store for her students. She enjoys using disguises in history lectures and cardboard crowns in grammar sessions. She believes that teachers are frequently portrayed as slackers, and she is trying to change that attitude.
Some people compared Verónica in her full-body costume to Slim Goodbody. Slim Goodbody is a costumed character created by John Burstein who has been advocating for children’s health for over forty years. Millions of children watch his productions on Discovery Education, and his live shows tour theaters around the United States, reaching thousands of youngsters each year.
Verónica Duque and Slim Goodbody come from different worlds, but they both share a love of education and a desire to help youngsters learn in fun and interesting ways. More instructors like Verónica are needed, as are more education champions like Slim. They can work together to improve the lives of countless children around the world.

Images belong to @mikemoratinos